Resource Specialist
Hours | Full-time |
Location | Point Mugu NAWC, California |
About this job
Position Description
Responsible for providing oversight of the organization as it relates to physical, personnel, and information security. This position will establish and enforce security policies as outlined by NAWCWD Command regulations and higher level directives. Incumbent will perform monthly security audits of the ATSO organization and verify security policies and procedures are in place and are relevant to the operation, and current with the latest Navy/DOD regulations. The audits will consist of physical visual inspections and validation of processes for the appropriate safeguarding, handling and disposal of classified information, property and materials. This includes oversight of document control services, secured facilities, safes and document-handling procedures. Incumbent will identify, research, and provide solutions to security issues specific to ATSO Operations. As discrepancies are discovered, the incumbent will work with ATSO management and personnel to assess risk, monitor completion of discrepancy, provide assistance and written guidance. The incumbent will develop, maintain and enforce security procedures and promulgate guidance to Division personnel. Responsibilities also include preparing, presenting material and leading organization Security Stand-Downs, updating Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), issue facility and room keys and performing Key Audits. The incumbent will also lead ATSO’s efforts with supporting Command security data calls, inspections and coordination of security infraction responses. Responsible for oversight of the organization as it relates to safe operation in the office, laboratory, flight line, target launch pad, seaborne target operation, ground based range operations, and Temporary Duty locations. Participates in establishing processes and procedures ensuring compliance with Navy Occupational Safety and Health (NAVOSH) safety requirements, which includes evaluating the division for NAVOSH mishap causes and preventions, and mishap investigations and reporting. Communicates with internal and external personnel, track safety metrics, will serve as the ATSO point of contact for all occupational safety related matters, and will support NAWCWD Command safety initiatives, inspections and data calls. Responsible for presenting and preparing material and leading organization bi-annual “Safety Stand-Downs” and leading any safety inspection efforts, preparing and auditing the Division for Command Safety Inspections. Responsible for ensuring all Division infractions are satisfactorily remedied and the final memorandum are prepared in a timely manner. Responsible for managing the internal Hazardous Material (HAZMAT) program and Weight Handling Equipment (WHE) program necessary when using a forklift in a crane operation. Responsible for oversight and management of ATSO facility improvement and repair projects. Responsible for the property management program for the organization.
Minimum Salary
Maximum Salary