Take the work out of finding a job.

Find the right job or shift without the dreaded search. We'll match you based on your skills and preferences.

Snagajob is so much more than a job board.

How it works

How it works

Unlock the full potential of Snagajob with your free member profile.

Step 1

You create a profile

Tell us about yourself.
There are millions of jobs out there.
We'll find the right one for you.

Step 1
Step 2

We send personalized matches

We analyze your profile to choose your matches.
Now you only apply and interview for the jobs
that fit your lifestyle.

Step 2
Step 3

You get hired

We get you the interview. The rest is up to you.
Don't worry, you've got this! You're qualified for the position!

Step 3

Create your profile and we'll do the rest

Create your profile and we'll do the rest
fill out your profile

It takes 10 minutes to fill out your profile.

Match technology

Our match technology will recommend the right jobs for you.


Full-time, part-time or Shifts.

Employer search

Employers search for candidates and can invite you to interview.

One third of your life

You spend 1/3 of your life at work

You should like your job.

Find the right job today