4 ways to keep in touch with your customers
Maintaining customer relationships is a key to building your business, and communicating with them regularly helps you to stay top of mind, making them more likely to return to your business and recommend you to others. Here are our best practices for regular touch points:
Tell them what’s new - Have a new line of beers at your bar? Just finished a new sunglasses line? Let your customers know! With fewer people visiting brick-and-mortar businesses regularly, your email and social media marketing is your virtual shop window to advertise new products and drive sales.
Build your brand - Sharing fun or entertaining content can enhance that personal connection and impact how they feel about your business. Try sending out a quick quiz or some funny pictures relevant to your business.
Use multiple channels - It’s a crowded space out there. You need to reach your customers where they are. Make sure you’re using a healthy mix of tools to communicate with your audience. Email, facebook, twitter, instagram and tiktok are all great ways to get in front of your customers. If your business has a niche product or service, you might find message boards are a good place to find your customers. Reddit is maybe the most popular place to find groups with niche interests, but you can find message boards on a wide range of websites.
Make it a conversation - Don’t just set it and forget it. Make sure you’re keeping up with responses and questions to your posts. Hearing from you directly really helps build that personal connection.
Wrapping Up:
How you keep in touch with your customers is really up to you, but the golden rule is to be genuine. If you have the time, give a personal touch as the business owner by writing a newsletter yourself. Don’t be shy! Make sure you're communicating often and keeping content fresh and engaging—your customers will remember you for it!